With access to a wide-ranging world-class network, People-IT is your guarantee that you will always get the right IT consultant for tasks in your organization.
People-IT is part of the C2IT Group and has been delivering IT consultants to our customers since 2003. In December 2018 People-IT merged with the consultancy aHOC located in Ballerup. The two companies now function as a nationwide consultancy under the name People-IT.
People-IT work hard every day to ensure the perfect match between IT needs and world-class consultants. Our network has been built and extended during the years and today it spans not only Denmark, but also internationally. We have expanded together with our customers so we can serve them in the best possible way.
Our headquarter is located in Kolding, Denmark. We also have offices in Aarhus and Ballerup.
We look forward to helping you succeed with your IT projects.
You are always more than welcome to contact us at info@people-it.com or +45 70 26 77 62.