World-class consultants for world-class companies!
We are always looking for skilled consultants to help our customers succeed with their IT projects.
How do we work?
People-IT is both an IT-consultancy firm and an IT-consultancy network where you as a consultant will get to work with some of the most competent consultants in Denmark. Our customers are typically medium-size to large companies and organisations. Most of our customers are of a size where there are great expectations to both IT-infrastructure and the specific business systems of the customer.
We have chosen to work with consultants, who all have some years of experience and who know the high requirements of our customers as regards solving tasks, information and cooperation. We ensure that our consultants have general IT and business knowledge, supplemented with one or more specific competences.
Being a freelance consultant for us
Being part of the freelance-team at People-IT could be a possibility for you if you prefer freelance-tasks and an interesting and varying work-life, with the possibility of continuously developing your professional skills through new and interesting IT-projects. We do everything we can to create the best match between consultant and customer, so that you as a consultant will feel both well equipped, but also challenged, by the tasks provided.
The process and how you may contact us
Are you skilled within IT and would like to be part of a large professional team of freelance consultants? – Upload your CV using the button below. We will read your CV and evaluate how your competences could be used in the best possible way for our customers. Afterwards we will get back to you with a request for a meeting or a confirmation that you have become accepted in our database and that we will contact you at a later stage if we should need your competences.
You are always welcome to contact us for an informal talk. Please contact our consulting team.